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Remembrance Day in Delungra will revisit the story behind its 1917 memorial plaque
29th of Aug, 2017 02:22 pm

A glimpse into plans for Delungra’s next Remembrance Day service came through Inverell this week as the town’s newly restored World War I Honour Roll made its way back to Delungra Memorial Bowling and Recreation Club. 

In charge of transport was Robert Batterham – the great grandson of Mrs Mary McLeod who first unveiled the large brass plate inscribed with the names of her sons and more than 90 other soldiers, in 1917. 

“She unveiled it just after her youngest son, Lester, was killed in France,” Dr Batterham said during a brief stopover at the Inverell RSL office. 

The memorial plaque’s restoration was triggered by the impending 100th anniversary of the unveiling in November this year. 

Talking about life in Delungra at that time, the retired Sydney academic with farming properties north of Moree, explained the town was a much busier place then following a land rush between 1907 and 1912. 

“Many large stations subdivided and sold up to farmers,” he said.

The railway line also came through the district and the demand for farm labourers increased. 

Delungra local historian Peter McCarthy has researched the honour’s roll’s original unveiling ceremony at the old community’s old School of Arts Hall. 

“[The roll] was decorated with native greenery and choice pot plants, the front and back of the stage being draped with streamers and flags of the Allied nations,” he wrote in a description of the events that day. 

There were speeches by dignitaries about the bravery of the men fighting and the duty of those at home to support them. Songs were sung including Australia’s then national anthem ‘God Save the King’. 

Mr McCarthy said the service was “solemn” given the number of local men and families still living through a war time experience that would not end until a year later. 

That is the reason why, he explains, the “end date of the Great War” remains incomplete on the scroll’s top right hand corner. 

The scroll lists the names of soldiers who served including some who were wounded and some who died. Some names were added after 1917 as the war continued. 

Many of the surnames are familiar to this day including that of the man who recently restored the scroll, Stan Tonkin, whose relative is listed as HG Tonkin on the plaque. 

The Honour Roll has been the focal point for ANZAC Day and Remembrance commemorations,” Mr McCarthy said.

“We’re appealing to people with family members on this scroll and all those associated with Delungra to come along to commemorate its 100th anniversary on Remembrance Day.”

The ceremony will be held at ANZAC Park in Delungra at 10.30am on Saturday, November 11. 

Dr Battenham will be the guest speaker and a luncheon will be held afterwards at the bowling club. 

For more information, please contact Peter McCarthy on 6724 8202 or 0427 248 202.

History preserved: The Delungra Honour Roll was unveiled 100 years ago this November. Photo: Heidi Gibson

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